Unique Family Podcast - The Matus Law Group

This is "Let's Discuss: Law & Pop Culture" – the podcast where our Estate Planning attorneys: Christine Matus, Esq., and Kristine Carranceja-Gurski, Esq., dive into the intriguing connection between law, movies, and TV shows.

Have you ever watched a film or show featuring wills, probate, or succession plans and wondered, “Does that really happen in real life?” Join us as we explore these topics and more, discussing the accuracy of their portrayal in popular media.

But that’s not all! After dissecting these on-screen scenarios, we switch gears to chat about the estate planning blunders of famous personalities. From celebs to notable figures, we take a closer look at what went wrong and what could have been done differently, offering valuable insights for our listeners.

Come along on this journey where law meets pop culture. Get to know the ins and outs of legal processes while exploring the entertainment world’s take on them.

Stay tuned for our episodes that break down your favorite films, series, and the estate planning missteps of well-known figures. “Let’s Discuss: Law & Pop Culture” promises a mix of entertainment and learning, providing a unique perspective on law in the entertainment sphere.

Subscribe today and join Christine and Kristine in a series of episodes that are an engaging blend of entertainment and legal enlightenment that you won’t want to miss!

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Ep. 1 Our first episode for the Unique Family Podcast!
Ep. 2 Documents you need today to protect you and your family Today!
Ep. 3 How COVID 19 effects food stamps, child care and social services.
Ep. 4 How CG Moneta can help businesses today!
Ep. 5 What to do if you lost your job and lost health insurance?
Ep. 6. How am I coping as a parent during COVID-19?
Ep. 7 Why Parents Should Name a Temporary Guardian
Episode 7: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a number of children to be removed from the home if parents incapacitated by COVID-19. I worry what would happen if I can't care for my child because of the virus. Many families have now considered earlier than expected idea of estate planning. One of the most important things to consider is naming temporary guardian or caregiver for their child. As COVID-19 infection rates spike across the country, if you your spouse or coparent fall ill or can provide 100% care for your child in New Jersey Department of children and families DCF recommends a child power of attorney in place naming a temporary guardian for your children. This will allow you to appoint someone to act on your behalf for your kids, like speak to teachers or accompany them to doctors. Call us at 732-281-0060 and you'll be given that form. During these difficult times we want to make sure you and your family are protected. If you have any questions about this please feel free to give us a call.




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For more than 20 years, Matus Law Group has helped families like yours ensure financial security and a continued legacy.

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Matus Law Group – Ocean County
81 East Water Street, Suite 2C
Toms River, NJ 08753
Matus Law Group – Monmouth County
( By Appointment Only )

125 Half Mile Road, Suite 200
Red Bank, NJ 07701

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